Month: January 2005

  • Life’s Little Diversions:

    Be the next Picasso!!!!!

    Click here for larger version

    I loved playing with this when I was a kid…..does anyone still have one I can borrow?

    Lan’s Best Try:

    I’m a master with the etch-a-sketch and decided I would try to copy one of my favorite artist’s masterpieces to etch-a-sketch.  Tell me how you think I did?

    Piet Mondrian’s original piece:

    Isn’t it beautiful?

    Lan’s Recreation:

    I know!    I don’t know how I was able to recreate it either!

    Please send me any etch-a-sketch drawings you can come up with.  I’ll be submitting some of the ones I enjoy the most 

    Reader Submitted:


    She named it: cityscape through the branches


    I swear, that car looks like a Delorean from Back to the Future. 




    Hahahah yea….I’m thinking the exact same thing you are….


    This is a real etch-a-sketch….I’m just simply in awe. 

    [NOTE:]  If you would still like to submit your picture please leave me a comment with a link to your picture.

  • Learn Something New:

    Recently my friend Crystal posted about a new Mr Potato Head toy called Darth Tater.  The moment I saw it ideas started to brew in my head……

    Step 1:

    Find good pictures of any characters backgrounds you’d like to use in your photoshop project:

    Darth Tater:

    I’m going to get one as soon as I can find one

    Mr Potato Head:

    So much fun to play with.

    Star Wars Background:

    I remember watching this movie as a kid.  God I’m such a dork at heart.


    Hahhah if you are saying WTF????? to yourself.  It’ll all come together later.

    Step Two:

    Cut out each of the characters from their normal pictures:
    (Done w/ photoshop)

    Darth Tater + Mr Potato Head + Fork = ?????????

    Step 3:

    Place everything where you would like on the photo and add any text and captions you’d like:

    “The Fork is strong in this one”

    Hope you guys enjoyed this one as much as I did.  And sorry to any of my readers who aren’t Star Wars fans…..I thought it was hilarious though.

  • Event Recap:

    Ok, if you all didn’t know I work at one of the best places to work.  I’ve been working at my current company for over a year and one of the best parts of my job are all my cool female coworkers.

    Damn, Life is good

    I realized, that I don’t talk about my great male coworkers.  They are the coolest, silliest, fun group of guys you’ll ever meet.

    Fox Sports Grill: VIP Room

    So I thought I’d let you guys in on a typical day at my company.

    Background:  An ongoing prank war has been going on for several weeks usually consisting of things such as: confetti over someone’s desk, stealing someone’s keyboard, or unplugging someone’s phone headset.

    10:00am – Everyone has settled in for the morning and you know what that means.  What can we do to cause trouble?  My coworker Chris decides to devise a plan that involves tying a string to a cup of water.

    My first Blueprint.  How do you think it came out?

    10:30am – My coworker Dain opens up the cupboard over his desk and a cup of water spills all over his head.

    11:00am – Dain & his High school friend (who also happens to be the owner of the company) go to Home Depot to get some supplies

    11:30am – Dain, the owner of the company and his brother bum rush my coworkers Chris & Chad and take them outside

    11:35am – Dain, the owner, & his brother tie Chris & Chad to a basketball pole using industrial wrapping plastic.

    11:40am – They then proceed to take turns throwing eggs at them while they are wrapped up  (Chad is in the front, Chris is in the back)

    Ther was also a 5 galloon bottle of water that got poured all over them

    11:45 am – Everyone in the company finds out what’s happening and goes outside to laugh and stare.

    None of us thought to unti them.

    12:00pm – After getting a good laugh we all realize that we’re all a company and friends here and decide to help Chad out in the scorching heat.

    This was my favorite picture

    12:30pm – We finally untied both Chad & Chris and all they could say was how good they got it

    1:00pm – Chris & Chad vow to get back the owner of the company……..some how

    Thanks for joining me in my little review of a typical day at my company.  I’ll keep you guys posted on any more pranks coming up, hope to see you next time…….

    BTW: What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled?

  • About Me:

    [Addenda:] Click here to read

    This entry has been sitting in private status for several weeks and even longer in my head…..

    There are probably things about me you probably don’t know.  Hopefully after reading this you will get some insight on why I am the person I am today

    Right around the time I was entering Jr High and already dealing w/ the awkwardness of puberty, I began to exhibit several symptoms that began to worry both my parents & me. 

    I was beginning to shows signs of
    *insomnia (which has carried over to this day),
    *weight loss (over the course of 1 month I lost 30 pounds),
    *eyes swelling (about a 1/3 of their normal size)

    At first my parents didn’t know what I had but after some investigation on my own I found out my dad had been diagnosed with something while he was living in Vietnam and asked if I could be tested…..

    The day I returned to the doctor he asked me to hold out my hands……I then saw them tremble for the first time and realized I couldn’t hold them still.  The doctor then told me that my results came back positive…..I was diagnosed with Graves Disease.  Now hearing my doctor tell me I had something called Graves Disease scared the shit out of me.  He went on to tell me that Graves Disease is

    not contagious

    and that it’s a genetic disease that I inherited from my father. 

    Graves Disease also goes by the medical term Hyperthyroidism.  Basically the Thyroid gland in my throat produces to much of a hormone which in turn makes my body go haywire.  The doctor was telling me all this and I was doing fine until…..

    He gave me three options for treatment:
    1)   Pop Pills (30% effective)
    2)   Radioactive iodine syringed into my throat (90% effective)
    3)   Surgery that removes most of the thyroid gland (90% effective)

    After hearing my options I decided I would go w/ Option #1.  At the time, I didn’t tell many of my friends what was going on in my personal life.  They all just figured I had lost a lot of weight and had the flu or some other minor ailment.  But there were some of my friends along with my family that knew I was taking 4-7 pills a day and going in for bi-monthly blood exams.

    Times were very tough for me the first year after I was diagnosed.  I felt like I had done something wrong and that this was my punishment.

    After several years my body began to stabilize itself and I started consuming less pills and eventually switched to injections of my medication…..

    I’m extremely lucky to have made it through this tumultuous time of my life and have learened to be thankful for it  Sometimes when my friends ask me how I have such a great outlook on life or how I’m so upbeat almost all the time, I’m never sure what I should tell them.

    What I can say now is that after everything happened…I came out much stronger than before and with a greater appreciation for my own life.

    [Addenda:]  I just wanted to add this little note – For the past day I’ve been afraid to read peoples coments out of fear of how everyone would react.

    I assumed the worst and thought 1 of 2 things would happen:
    1)  People would over compensate for my disease and coddle me because I was “handicapped” in some sort of way
    2)  People would be scared to hang out with me and just concentrate on the fact I had a disease

    After reading through all the comments I was able to let out a sigh of relief that has been inside me for over 10 years.  Thank you to everyone who really read and understood what I was trying to share.

    [Disclaimer:]  I didn’t write this for people to pity me…..I wrote this out of the hope people would understand….

  • Question of the Day:

    Over the years I’ve come to realize that I’m pretty much completely brain dead while I’m getting a blow job.  So I began to wonder……

    What would a xanga entry be like if I tried typing it while getting a blow job?

    this may or not be based on true events:

    Ok now she’s unzipping my pants and I’ve got the biggest grin on my face right now.  Now she’s starting, this isn’t to harddddddddddddddok that felt kind of good.  Sorry about that.  Uhmmmmmmm…….blow jobs.    Ok thiissf iss reaflly gettingggg hardddd now……  I meaaann wrrititngg thiisssss ennnnttrryyy, not wellllll youuuuu know………….hahahahah actualllllly yessssss, youououu knowow tooooo!!!  Ok screw thiisiss i’mmmmmmm justtss going to hit the keyboard soooosdo sheeee thinksks i’m still typing opsduifpoasuio iusaopfuosaiu oipafuoapsouiagpoiusag oiauopgausgoi

    edit:// Ok now that I can type normally again…..the moral of the story is: I can write an entry while getting a blow job….just not very well.

    (next weeks episode, what’s weirder a cork in your butt or a dick in your mouth?) 

    edit:// Today is my really good friend Darrell’s birthday please go to his site and give him some love.  He’s one of the most thoughtful and hilarious guys out there……thank you for listening, now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

  • Try This:

    South Park is one of the most hilarious and random shows out there right now.  While reading up about the show I found this site which allows you to Create Your Own South Park Character

    You can always use the site to create one of the characters you know and love…

    Cartman, “Respect my authora-tai!!!!”

    Or you can do what I did and South Parker-ize someone you know.

    Which one do you prefer?

    Can you “South Parker-ize” yourself, or someone you know?  Please send me links of you or you making fun of your friends.

    Lan Created:


    Luke sent me his own creation…but I thought I’d make one for him


    Here you go by request.  Very hard to “S-pize” this beautiful girl.


    This one took me forever…=P

    [NOTE:]  I’ll be taking some requests from people who want to be “South-Parkerized and featured.

    Reader Submitted:


    I always had a feeling Eric was a little crazy.


    Some liberties were taken in using the Before picture.

    Diem My:

    Some minor changes were made to this one but Diem did a great job


    Created by his very cute girlfriend Jodi


    Hahhaahh “I’m Thuper” (Just sound it out)


    Hahhah I love the pearl necklace


    A picture after my own heart


    Check out Antonio’s Site….he’s got a lot of skill.


    OMG hilarious!!!!  This and Antonio’s have to stand out as my favorites.


    Hahahh damn some people are true to their art. =P

    [NOTE:]  If you would still like to submit your picture please send me a link of your self and your south park version.   Thanks

    [Sidenote] This guy, left this message on my site the other day:

    uz a fuggin dizkrase to da azn mouffuckin
    comoonity nigga , bring yo ol fuckin punk
    azz to Joliet nigga and I’ma fucc yo ear
    nigga step 2 u and make u suck my dick

    Posted 1/22/2005 at 9:53 PM by Tim_Liker

     Confused?…. so was I.  So I did some investigation on his site and found this picture with these exact captions:

    Aye nigga y’all mothafucakz bin axin fo da J Dogg Mofia naw y’all nigz and niggettes got it , da fuggya;ll want now?! uh BromeR???

    Diz be me and all my niggaz at da lokal muffuggin  D D R metin foo, da fugg y’a;ll wanna do now? we all strapped nigga!

    I think I’ve said all I’ve needed to say

  • Event Recap:

    Sunday, January 16th
    Los Angeles Convention Center

    Last weekend I had a chance to go to my very first LA Auto Show.  Now I’ve been to every import show under the sun but never the LA Auto Show.  This show is different because many of the big car companies unveil there new models for the upcoming year and all so concept cars.  More emphasis is put on the actual cars then import models.  Wasn’t sure how I was going to like it….but we’ll get back to that later.


    Silly Antics:

    I was lucky in that I was able to go with some of the best people in the world.  I went with Patrick (my roomate), Stephanie (his girlfriend), & Kim (Stephanie’s roomate)

    Hey wait…..who’s driving?

    The day started off normal enough but sometime through out the day I thought to myself hey I’ve been working out why don’t I try to lift some of these cars

    Let’s just say it didn’t work out to well.

    But I wasn’t going to give up so I went back to the cafeteria ate some spinach and decided to try my hand out on some of the Hummers.

    Hahhaah damn i’m strong.

    My roomate on the other hand is a puny weakling and he ended up passing out.  So I stole an ambulance golf cart and came to save the day.

    Patrick, “Help….no seriously I’m hurt guys.”

    Well sorry to say Patrick ended up getting better and got me back.

    After I was finally able to get lose Patrick & I made up and got back to the cars.

    Patrick, “I hope nobody sees this picutre.”

    The Big Ass Trucks:

    Ok these cars were huge……sometimes that I had one of these bad boys during peak traffic times in Sourthern California

    I bet my friend can drive his civic under it w/ out a scratch.

    Interesting Cars:

    Ok this car was interesting just because the paint job went well with the interior.  I don’t know if I would get a pink car myself but I’m sure lots of girls out there wouldn’t mind.

    This Suzuki Forenza was customized for Jelynn Rodriguez, host of “The Drop.”

    Now this car was hilarious….not only because it was so small but if you notice there was this 300lb mexican guy trying to squeeze into it.

    Lan, “Hey doesn’t that guy kinda look like an enchilada?”

    This next car wasn’t exactly cool….but the guys signing autographs next to it was

    Kim, “Who the hell is that?”  Cop, “That’s Erik Estrada.”  Kim, “Who?”

    Cars I might Buy:

    There were several cars at the show I’ve been thinking aboug getting and here they are in no particular order:

    1)  Volkswagon Beetle Convertible

    I’d get laughed at by all my guy friends but what a fun car to drive

    2)  BMW z4 Roadster

    Fun car to drive but a little to small for me.

    3)  2005 Ford Mustang Convertible

    I’ve always wanted a convertible and the old style grill is just beautiful

    4)  Lexus RX 400h

    Always wanted an SUV but gas always stopped me.  The hybrid solves everything

    5) These 3 cars are on my wish list but I would probably not get

    I guess I have a thing for convertibles

    The Race Cars:

    You can see most of the cars at the show just driving around southern california.  But these race cars that you usually only see on tv were awesome to see in person.

    My favorite out of this group was the m&m car.

    A couple import cars were also able to sneak into the show

    My favorite out of this group was the Hyundai Tiberun w/ carbon fiber hood.

    Concept Cars:

    Like I said earlier the cool thing about the LA Auto Show were all the concept cars which show case new tecnologies or new designs.

    1)  Toyota FTX

    Such a beautiful truck with cool doors.

    2)  BMW Hydrogen Car

    Fastest Hydrogen Car ever built!

    3)  H2H Hummber

    Officially approved by our Governator

    4)  Volvo XC90 Lego Van

    Made w/ over 200,000+ Lego blocks!

    Luxury Cars:

    These cars are the cream of the crop.  The most beautiful of all the cars at the show.

    My absolute favorite of the group and show has to be the Saleen S7 in the middle.

    The Girls:

    Ok this is the section all you horny guys were waiting for.

    Claudia Lynx, very beautiful Persian Model

    Say hi to My Future Wife

    Don’t we make such a cute couple?

    I think I might have some competition though

    Picture created by Kim Nguyen

    Runner up to cutest girl at the show was this model:

    Her name was Sunisa Kim and soon she’ll be my mistress. 

    Ok now with every show there are some models who have amazing bodies……but you then realize why they are car show models and not famous.  To them I introduce:

    Here are the first “Lan Approved” Paper Bag Models

    And here we have our “Official” Paper Bag Spokes Models.

    This was one of the best car shows I’ve ever been to ever.  It happens every January at the Los Angeles Convention center and only costs $10.  For those who read every little stupid caption and looked at every picture….Thanks and see you next time….


  • Writings On The Wall:

    I have a lot of good friends I’ve been neglecting lately.  I’ve become so absorbed in dating, my computer, & xanga I’ve forgetton all about all the great friends I have.

    [BTW]  Sorry in advance for the long entry but…….it’s my xanga and this is important to me

    I mean don’t get me wrong I think I still do hang out w/ my friends from time to time it’s just I wish I made more time for them.  I wish I could be special and unique to all of my friends and give them enough attention.  I spread myself to thinly sometimes and I feel like it’s always been hard for me to keep friends for to long.

    A lot of my friends know me as the “king of never having enough time to hang out”  I hope to remedy that and try to become stronger friends w/ my old friends.

    ~Chilling at Mikie’s house [Wake up Kidz]
    ~Talking on the phone & boba w/ Helen
    ~Doing everything under the sun w/ Darrell
    ~Going to community service projects w/ Patrick
    ~Hanging out at Larry, Jon & Ferdinand’s partment [439 Boys]
    ~Eating out and watching stupid movies with Courtney
    ~Clubbing w/ Paulette, Michelle, Princess, & Melissa [Clubbing Crew #1]
    ~Clubbing w/ Ryan, Jonela, Stephanie & Leo [Clubbing Crew #2]
    ~Clubbing w/ Larry, Darrell, Sam, Kim, Eric [Clubbing Crew #3]
    ~Watching movies and playing tennis w/ Kaitlin
    ~Eating sushi & swing dancing classes w/ Alex
    ~Chilling out w/ old Highschool friends like Lam, Linden, Huy [Risk]
    ~Chilling out w/ old Highschool friends like Sheryl, Sally, Carol, Khanh, Mei, Tina, Lisa [Saddleback Girls]
    ~Chilling out w/ old Highschool friends like Kenny, Vinh, Tuan, Jimmy, Emanuel, Prija, Mason, & Andy [Saddleback Boys]
    ~Talking to & humping Ivy
    ~Ice Cream runs w/ Linda
    ~Going to Hip Hop dance classes w/ Liss & Kristine [Condiment Crew]
    ~Going to Barnes & Nobles w/ Kim
    ~Going swimming w/ Joanne during the summer
    ~Sleeping and talking through the night at Rashmi & Eileen’s apartment
    ~Going out to eat w/ Armando, Kyle, & Kathy
    ~Random Adventures w/ Eric, Laura, & Megan [Filthy Foursome]
    ~Getting breakfast burrittos w/ Liz
    ~Going to artsy fartsy stuff w/ Henny & Lucy
    ~Going to parties w/ Virginie
    ~Driving around at midnight and sneaking Cecile out.
    ~Camping out w/ UCI Circle K at 2am to get on Channel 7 news in the morning 

    There are so many people I’m forgetting……Alfredo, Alice, Allen, Amy, Angela, AnthonyAnn, Anne, Annie, Areum, BK, Brent, Caroline, Catherine, Cherrie, Chris, Chrissy, Christian, Christina, Christine, Cindy, Claire, Clarice, Crystal, Dan, Danny, Darren, Dennis, Derek, Derek, Diana, Diep, EricFiona, Frances, Fuyumi, Gennie, Giang, Gilda, Hanh, Harold, Hoang, Irene, Jackie, Jacqueline, Jaime, Jamie, Janelle, Janet, Jason, Jazmine, Jean, Jen, Jenica, Jennifer, Jimmy, Jin, Jina, Jo Ann, Jennifer, Joanne, Joe, Joe, John, Joon, Julie, June, Karen, Karla, Kat, Kathy, Khanh, Kym, LaurenLawrence, Levina, Linda, Linda, Lisa, Lisa, Lorraine, Marcell, Maria, Manki, Mark, May, Michael, Mike, Melissa, Michelle, Mike, Mike, Minh, Missy, Mya, Mylynn, Nancy, Nick, Nicole, Patty, Paul, Paul, Paul, Peter, Peter, Petey, PhilRichard,  Rob, Rovy, Ruby, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Sally, SeanSerenaSherry, Sheryl, Sonya, SonjaStephanie, Stephanie, Susan, Suzi, Thida, Tim, Tina, Trang, Tracy, Van, Vinh, Yen, Yvonne.

    Click here for more.

    I’ve neglected so many……I’m sorry to those friends I’ve brushed aside…….I’ll try harder I promise.

    ……and to any friends I’ve made through aim/ xanga/ friendster thank you for being my little diversion from reality.  Hopefully I’ll meet some of you some day…and you don’t turn out to be serial killers.

    “You can’t hug a xangan, but you can still touch one”

  • Picture of the Day:

    I was going to make this a “Learn Something New Post” on how to do the photo effect but I got lazy and decided to just make it a picture of the day.  If there are people that want to learn how to do the effect then I’ll consider doing the post at another date.  =)


    Picture after receiving some photoshop love:

    I really liked the original photo, so I thought I’d edit to give it a more artistic feel to it. 

    Photoshop really has become my best friend.

    Using multiple tools such as: radial blur, dissolve, opacity, smudge, blah, blah, blah tools I was able to get the picture to look the way I wanted it to.

    P.S.  Special thanks to Kim of for helping me figure out how to do it.

    //Note:  I got choosen as a featured photographer on Street Photo’s site.  To see the photos I submitted click here.

    //Edit:  Since some people have been asking me about the sandals I am wearing in the picture (Yes, me am fob) I’ve linked the original blog about the night I took the picture here.

  • Writings on the Wall:

    Written By: Unknown

    Misery loves company, she be lovin’ me
    vulnerable, told invulnerable, I’m invulnerable
    loneliness, always comes around, won’t leave me alone
    hurt, started hurting, when I thought I could hurt no more
    antidote gave me some poison, and said take this first
    failure, tried to fail me, said I’m falling off
    possible, ran up to me, said he calls it off
    worse came when I thought, it couldn’t get any worse
    capable, told incapable, I’m incapable
    moderation had the nerve to tell me, to have some more
    agony wants to fuck me, she’s insatiable

    Misery loves company, she be lovin’ me

    //edit:  This spoken word was actually recited at a Slam Contest in LA I was at last year.  Not sure what the artists name was but everytime I recite it to myself I always feel better for some reason.

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